3 Tips to Help Curb Your COVID-19 Anxiety/Depression
Anyone else a little freaked out?
Let’s face it. None of us were really prepared for COVID-19 to impact us for this long or so intensely, and it’s hard not to have a moment or two of the Quarantine blues. Whoever you are and whatever you’re going through—first, thank you for reading this; and secondly, I’m sending you positive vibes. Because we’re all in this together!
I hope you all are doing your part to #FlattenTheCurve. Here are 3 tips that have helped me personally during these challenging times.
This all-natural anxiety supplement: These are my go-to, usually within 30 minutes I feel a sense of calmness, my minds stops racing, and I can continue what I was doing.
Make at least 3 calls (or video chats) to your friends & family per day. Now more than ever, connection is so important. I’ve certainly had days where I wanted to do nothing but lay in bed, but then I force myself to reach out to others and it has turned my entire day around. It is not only good for you, but for the person on the other end, too! Try the viral Houseparty App –– it has fun games you can play with your friends.
The Calm App is also one of my faves. I’ve been using this app since the pre-COVID days! With an ever-growing selection of bedtime stories, soundscapes, music that promotes mindfulness, and more, this app has been a solid part of my daily self-care routine for months; I’m hooked!
What have you been doing to keep your mind calm and happy? I want to know! Message me on Instagram & let’s chat about it.