Badass Babe • March Edition • Cat Golden, RN


This is the first of a monthly series called Badass Babe where we’ll spotlight a hardworking woman in my life who inspires me. There’s nothing more important to me than building a community where we all lift each other up, so it only made sense to start featuring these lovely ladies here on my blog. I hope you enjoy learning about a few of the women that are so special to me :)

Cat Golden and I connected on Instagram (not shocking) about 2 years ago. I was drawn to her unwavering positivity, abundance mindset, and her unique ability to motivate others. At the time, she was just starting her new brand venture Nurses Inspire Nurses while continuing to work as a nurse. Her entrepreneurial spirit has taken her so far…in just a couple short years, I’ve witnessed her grow her brand to a whole new level of amazing success — she even quit her nursing job and has followed her passion full-time by inspiring other nurses around the world. She’s created a niche community of health professionals who bond over her customized nurse life resources and cool merchandise, not to mention she also coaches and mentors hundreds of nurses and regularly travels as a keynote speaker!

Being a nurse is super tough (I know I couldn't do it), but somehow Cat has mastered not only being a nurse herself—she’s an expert at helping nurses manage their time and take clear action on their goals! If you know a nurse, pick up a mug or tee as a gift of appreciation for all they do! I can’t wait to see her grow even more. I’m proud to call her a friend and a past client!


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